Product Review: Instree Hyaluronic Acid Airy Sunstick


I have read several posts I created a few years back where I was saying, I mean, proudly saying that I didn't wear sunscreen even for a beach trip. Well, sis, not possible now. I'll forever be wearing a sunscreen and I'm even trying to make reapplication a habit. 

I have always read that it is recommended to reapply sunscreen. I never got myself into that habit since I found it uncomfortable, and to be honest, I was too lazy to do so. I was also worried that reapplying would irritate and clog my skin. I used to only have liquid sunscreens with me, btw so it was not convenient. 

In July this year, my friend and I went to Tokyo, Japan. It was summer season, and we read that it was going to be really hot. We didn't want to risk getting sun burnt while fully enjoying our trip. I figured that I had to get myself a sun stick so I don't have to use my fingers, and I can easily reapply throughout the day. I got this product - Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Airy Sun Stick. It was an easy choice, and I pair this with Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Sun Gel, which has been my HG for more than a year now. With this, which I reapplied as often as I can, an umbrella, water, and a portable mini electric fan, we were able to survive Japan's scorching weather. 

Since that trip, I got into the habit of reapplying sun screen mainly because it became effortless to do. All I do is wipe my face if I perspired or pat the oil on my face using an oil control film, then swipe this on my face and neck. Never did it congest my skin, nor did it cause me to break out even if I kept on reapplying. 

This is practical, convenient, and definitely changed the game for me. 🥰


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