Boracay: Lugutan Mangrove Park

We went here after having our breakfast in one of the restaurants in Station 3. When we looked at the Google Map for directions, it was only a 13-minute walk and so we walked. Hahaha. We failed to take into consideration our speed and the heat back then so it was kind of torturous. If I were to go here again, I'd rather pay P 50.00 for the multicab fare.

It's not a huge place and I think that it's better to go here early in the morning or late in the afternoon in order to appreciate this place more. We weren't able to enjoy, tbh 'cause we got so tired from the walk and it was almost 12 and the sunshine and heat was too strong. 

For a change of view since not a lot of people have gone here yet, I think it's worthwhile to go here especially if you'll not walk from White Beach. Haha!

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We had no photos together at this place since there wasn't anyone else that time and we couldn't just place our camera/phone and risk them falling down the mangrove. haha! 

There weren't multicabs on standby and we waited for a long time but no one was passing. Still, we couldn't bring ourselves to walk so waited until Kuya Habal passed by and asked us if we want to backride his motor. It was a unique experience since I haven't ridden a motorcycle for a long time. We decided to go back to our hotel and rest a bit before continuing our sightseeing 'cause we got drained on our walk going here. Tumatanda na talaga...

Other places we visited in Boracay.

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