South Korea 2018: Mapo Bridge at Night

While I don't remember where I first saw this bridge, it's one of the places that I've always wanted to see in Seoul. 

I was really close to giving up though since I mistakenly alighted at Yeoeuido Station and had to walk so far to reach the park that is close to this bridge. 

Yeoeinaru Station should be the closest to this place if you want to go here too. 

Even though the history of this bridge isn't really positive since I've read before that a lot of people have taken their lives by jumping at this bridge (the reason why the authorities decided to add these phrases in the first place); reading the words and questions written on the bridge can actually lighten up your mood when you're down. Should give you hope when everything feels hopeless. 

Plus the fact that this is a good place to see Seoul skyline.

Above means, "How's your day?"

Above reads, "Mal An Hae Du Ara" I'm really bad at Romanizing Hangul but it means "Even if you don't say it, I know"


All the hard things,

(Are) Just

Like a wind that passes by

Kind of like, "you'll get pass all through the hard times"
"all the bad times will pass"

Good, right?

For some reason, a quiet time walking along this bridge kind of brought me peace of mind. I mean, you get surrounded by the busy life (the moving vehicles on the road) but you choose to relax and take everything in - the beauty of Seoul, the cold wind that blows pass you, and the re-gathering of strength to fight this exhausting battle.

 It's always a good idea to stop and enjoy the view. Yep, no matter how busy it gets :)

Always remember that no matter what happens, there will always be people who understand without needing words. :)

Overall, the 1-2 hours I spent in this area was really worthwhile that I decided to revisit this before going back to Manila. <3

Very Seoul!!! <3

You shall not miss taking picture with this! #seoulsearching!!! hehehe

The lack of people even though I know that this is a touristy spot is actually still on my favor because it became a peaceful night for me. One of those nights when I can't help it but become more grateful for everything. 

This goes for everyone who's having a difficult time and are feeling hopeless, hang on there! Things will eventually get better for everyone of us. <3

South Korea 2018 link: here.

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