Busan, South Korea: Dadaepo Beach and Grilled Eel at Outdoor Seating Restaurant

Dadaepo beach is located far west of Busan so it took us around two hours from Jangsan Station (Haeundae). It's not pricey and it's convenient to get here 'cause you're just taking the metro but it is far - kinda like the feeling of Seoul to Incheon travel if not farther.

We could've arrived on time for the sunset but we were distracted by the park at the exit of the train station because the trees are beautiful. It could've been a very beautiful sunset view 'cause no cloud was in sight to block the sun setting down. 

Arrived at this area less than five minutes before it completely set for that day. HAHAHA! Alam mo 'yung nagbyahe ka ng more than two hours para sa limang minutong 'to pero hindi mo pa rin inabutan?! haha

The sun has set but it was still bright for the next hour so we walked to the wooden boardwalk on the side of the mountain. Yep, all coastal walks in Busan are like this. 

Water is shallow and gentle at this part of Busan so it's the perfect place to go for families who have small children who wants to swim in the sea.

We took our time and walked at this part while staring at the beautiful view. A lot different than the rest of the beaches in Busan 'cause this place is a lot more peaceful and raw even with all the structures the built around the place.

We were getting hungry so we decided to walk back to the park and eat first before watching the fountain show.

The fountain of dreams show takes place at 8 PM except Mondays.

Almost all restaurants in this area serve grilled eel so it's just up to you which one you like more. For us, we chose the one that has tables and chairs outside so we can eat while smelling the ocean air. 

I have always wanted to try eating that shelled sea creature (HAHAHA! I don't know what the name is) 'cause I saw that being eaten by Park Seo Joon when he guested at 2 Days, 1 Night two years ago. 

My first time eating eel. We told the restaurant owner that it was our first time so he taught us how eat this fish. 

Could've been a perfect pair with a bottle of soju but we opted not to drink any alcoholic beverage 'cause we were very far from home. Would love to try eating this again! 

Our meal was 15,000 KRW each. More than the delicious food, it's the experience of eating at a place like this (reminds you of Kdrama scenes, noh?) that makes this whole thing memorable.

Places to visit in Busan, South Korea link: here.

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